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Tracked elevators for sale
Tracked elevators are highly efficient, rugged and effective forms of self propellded lifts that are used in a variety of applications. They are designed in a way of self propelled lifts which deliver higher quality and reliable lifting solutions. The elevator track can be used with elevator platforms to make an elevator suitable for lifting weights and loads.
Where can tracked elevators be used?
Elevator tracks can be used at construction sites of commercial and residential projects. Elevator tracks require electricity to work therefore having a stable electric outlet within the range of their operation is essential. At construction sites, the bottom most elevator track is placed at the foundation and from then on top of that the succeeding tracked elevators are positioned.
What is the capacity of tracked elevators?
Tracked elevators range in sizes and capacities and therefore their lifting capacities also depend upon their type and size. Tracked elevators are available in sizes ranging from 50’ to 135’. Some models have a working height of 30 ft while other models can go 80 plus feets of working heights.
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