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Aerial work platforms for sale
If you are working at height and need stability to perform detailed work tasks it is important you do it safely, securely & in comfort. Buying used or new Aerial work platforms requires some research and needs to match the job you have in mind. They give access for operators to difficult to reach locations at height but can also reach up and over things to provide access horizontally too. They come in many different designs and type and are sometimes referred to as cherry pickers, elevating platforms, magic carpets, bucket truck or mobile elevating platforms
Aerial work platforms for sale on krank.com
Browse aerial work platforms on krank.com find the platform that best suits your needs. Compare prices, types, features and specifications. Krank has many different brands including Genie, JLG, Skyjack, just no name a few. Choose between rough terrain models, firm ground, electric, hybrid, non-floor marking, tracks, wheels, telescopic or scissor.
Aerial work platform price
The cost of a new or used aerial work platforms depends largely on the age, size, type, style and number of hours the machine has worked. A rough guide price for a new aerial work platform is approximately £5,000 or thereabouts. More advanced models such as large cat track telescopic boom models can cost in excess of as much as £40,000 again this is depending on the make and model and age of the machine
What is an aerial platform?
An aerial platform is a kind of construction equipment and is a working platform that can be raised to the required working height. There are aerial platforms that provide vertical lift and horizontal reach. Scissor lifts are the common name for vertical lift aerial platforms. Cherry picker or telescopic boom is a common name for aerial platforms that can reach up and over things. This is required for more difficult to reach jobs. The stability of the platform is key to ensuring the work can be carried out safely and securely.
Tallest aerial work platform?
Aerial work platforms come in different shapes and sizes. The larger the machine the higher or taller it can extend. The vertical lift of an aerial platform is an important feature if you need to reach a certain height. Using an aerial work platform vs having to employ a more expensive less maneuverable solution is usually more cost effective. The world's highest vertical lift aerial work platforms are close to 200ft.
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